There are millions of different supplies and tools available for use in an office. I have my favorites and I'd like to share those with you today. Some are high-tech and some extremely low-tech. It's really the simple things in life - or the things that make our lives simpler - that make us happy, isn't it?
  1. Sharpie: I have a whole cup full of Sharpies that I love - one in every color. I love to color-code with my Sharpies, but I also use them for basic tasks like writing on file folders & jotting notes. My favorite is my purple Sharpie.
  1. Scanner: Now that I use Evernote for nearly everything, I cannot live without my scanner. You can use a flatbed scanner or a more efficient duplex scanner like the NeatDesk. I use my NeatDesk almost daily now.
  1. Copier: The invention of a printer that can photocopy has been one of my favorite office improvements. I love being able to slap something on the glass and make a copy of it. It's so efficient to make copies in my office, rather than heading out to the copy shop.
  1. Laptop: Mobile computers - another wonderful invention. I love being able to take my work files with me wherever I go. I can almost get by with only my iPad, but I still need my laptop occasionally or when I'm doing a big project that requires accessing computer files. I added a little swirl of vinyl - just for fun!
  1. Binder: Binders come in handy for all sorts of organization projects. I use binders less now that I'm an Evernote-aholic, but they work great for containing papers related to a specific project, event or conference. I store all of the class handouts for my CEU classes in a binder, training manuals, etc. My favorite binder is the View Binder because you can customize the cover.
  1. Hanging file folders: I'm continually amazed at the number of clients I have who only use interior file folders. Hanging (or exterior) file folders are wonderful for keeping your files looking nice and staying organized. A hanging file folder serves as a placeholder for your interior file folder. It can group together related files or you can use one hanging for each interior. When you remove the interior, the hanging stays in place and saves a spot for the interior's return.
  1. Checkbook boxes: Now that most of my bills are paid online, I don't order as many checks as I used to. The checkbook box comes in handy as a useful, but inexpensive drawer divider. It's the perfect size to contain pens & pencils and you can use multiple in one drawer to keep your small items organized.
  1. Label maker: I definitely could not live without my label maker. I use it nearly daily with clients, as well as in my office. I use it to label binders, hanging file folders, containers and more.
  1. Inbox tray: My inbox has migrated from a simple plastic tray system to a fancier drawer system. It doesn't matter what type of inbox you use, but having a "home" for incoming papers is essential. {This one came from Marshall's.}
  1. Notepad: I've tried to go as paper-less as possible, but I still find a simple notepad invaluable. I jot down notes while I'm on the phone, write my to do list, etc. on it. There's something tactile-satisfying for me to have a simple notepad handy.
BONUS: A little bit of inspiration never hurt anyone either! I try to keep items in my office space that inspire me - things that I enjoy and make me smile. I'm obsessed with peacocks lately... so I've got a healthy dose of peacock inspiration going on in my office right now.

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