The refrigerator is a place where things easily get pushed to the back, so food goes unused. You can close the door and forget what's in there. In a recent appearance on Local 7 Lifestyles, Amy shared some practical tips and storage containers for making sure everything inside the fridge is seen and used before it expires, reducing food waste and the amount you spend on groceries. 

1. Reduce food waste by using what you have before buying more

So what's our big problem with the fridge? It's already full when you buy groceries. When it's already full and you buy more, you just shove everything in, and things disappear to the back. This results in more food going to waste. When you're thinking about going shopping, plan your meals according to what's already in your fridge, so you can use up those items.

2. Clear out old items before adding new groceries

Next, go through and get rid of the old or expired items before you bring your groceries in. I love grocery pick-up. A great habit our family has gotten into is to clean out the fridge, go pick up the groceries, and come home. It's all one big thing, so we can clear out stuff from the back and see what we have. If we do end up with a duplicate item, we put the new item behind the old one. That way, the old one is used first!

3. Organize your fridge by thinking in terms of categories

Lastly, organize your fridge from top to bottom by thinking in terms of categories. Put all of your milk and dairy products together, all of your sauces and condiments together, and your fruits and vegetables in the drawers. (For more details about how to organize your refrigerator, check out this blog post.)

We like to use clear bins to organize a refrigerator, as you can easily see what's in them, and you can slide them in and out of your fridge to get something effortlessly. (We love this set of 8 refrigerator bins on Amazon!) Use the bins to divide out different sections in your fridge according to the category. As an added perk, the bins help contain any spills you may have to just one area. Score! 

In summary, Americans let a lot of food go to waste—30–40% of the food supply, to be exact. The biggest problem we face is buying more before what we have gets used. Reduce your food waste and grocery bill by planning your meals according to what you already have, cleaning out your fridge and getting rid of anything already spoiled before adding new groceries, and maintaining an organized refrigerator using see-through bins.

If you need additional help getting your fridge and freezer in order, we are here to help! Contact us today at 812.858.2457. 

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