"I found that making a calendar and using it as a guide rather than a bible goes a long way towards relieving stress.  Flexibility is the key to helping me feel a sense of balance.  If things change or don’t always go according to plan, I have learned to “go with the flow” and simply change direction." said Sharron Gay of Mom's Taxi Service (in Broward County, Florida).
Many moms with school-aged children start to feel like they are running a taxi service. Especially those with multiple children in multiple extra-curricular activities. When your afternoon and evening hours are spent driving kids back and forth and sitting at rehearsals, practices and classes, staying organized becomes a challenge! Here are five tips to help the taxi moms stay organized:

1. Family Meetings

It is essential to keep everyone in the family on the same page. Set up a family meeting once per week to review the week's events and activities. We recommend that family meetings be held on Sunday afternoon or evening. This ensures that everything is ready when you start a new work/school week. Look at the activities for the week (field trips, large assignments due, etc.) as well as after school/evening extra-curricular activities. Plan out who is taking the kids to/from their activities, what items are required to be prepped or purchased, and who is cooking dinner. Knowing ahead of time that Sally needs a poster board for a project due on Friday will save a tremendous amount of stress, instead of finding out on Thursday evening. Communicating transportation and meals ahead of time cuts down on family disagreements as well.

2. Meal Planning

When families are on-the-go, one of the first things to suffer is family mealtime. Running through the drive-through becomes the norm. Consider getting a plug-in cooler for the car, if you often find yourself running through the drive through or to the drug store to pick up drinks and snacks. Cut up fruits & veggies and bring them in the car. Keep water bottles in the car at all times, so you have a go-to drink. When you look at the calendar on Sunday, plan meals according to what activities you have going on each evening. On an evening where everyone is heading in a different direction at a different time, try prepping a crock pot meal ahead of time. This allows everyone to eat a home-cooked, healthy meal on their own schedule. Set aside time for family togetherness at dinner as much as possible, even if it's only 1-2 nights per week.

3. Routines

Set up routines and habits that help you stay on top of activities. For example, when you return home from football practice, get into the habit of soaking the pants and rinsing out the water jug right away. This ensures that it will be ready for the next practice or game and won't cause last-minute stress. Select a "home" for all equipment/materials. If you immediately put the dance shoes away when you get home, you will easily find it the next time you need it. Each evening, prep food and clothes for the next day so you aren't surprised on the morning of.

4. Taxi Mom To Go Bag

Keep a "To Go Bag" packed and ready. If you have other children that will be sitting during a sibling's activity, pack homework supplies (pencils, erasers, notebook paper, etc.) or small books, toys or games for younger siblings. For yourself, pack a book to read, a notebook &  pen, craft project materials or a list of phone calls to make. This will help you to be productive and utilize "down time" while waiting for a child to finish their activity.

5. Extra Supplies

Purchase extra supplies that are inexpensive and keep them in the car, like extra socks, mouth guards, music instrument reeds or hair bands. This will save an unnecessary trip back home to collect a small item that is essential to the sport/activity. Purchase an extra pair of football pants, ballet tights or sport socks to give yourself more time to wash them between events. Store your stadium or camp chairs in the car or in the garage right next to the trunk so you see them and can grab them when needed. If you have other sporting goods your child needs to take with them, consider storing them in the garage right next to the trunk as well. If they are in-view and conveniently located, you are less likely to overlook the items. When kids are in activities and you are driving them all over, you may feel like a taxi service. Sometimes the chaos is overwhelming and takes the fun out of life. These five tips can help you tame the chaos and really start to enjoy this phase of life. What tips can you share for taxi moms?

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