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 Back-to-School Organization Hacks for a Stress-Free Start to the Year

The new school year is already upon us, which means it's time to make sure you and your family are organized both at home and school! With these genius back-to-school organization hacks, you can start the year off on the right foot and minimize stress along the way. From easy-to-implement tips to creative ways to save time and money, to smooth after-school routines, we've got you covered. Get ready to have your most organized school year yet!

Back-to-School Organization Hacks for a Stress-Free Start to the Year

1. Create structured routines 

When kids know what to expect, it’s easier for them to follow routines and get involved in making them work. So how do you get everyone on board?

  • Use Schedules or Visuals to Develop After-School Routines 

Help your kids develop responsibility by creating an easy to follow schedule for things that need to get done after-school to create a smooth transition into homework, dinner, and extracurricular activities. 

  • For smaller kids, visuals and charts are a great way for them to know what tasks they should be doing and helps them have a sense of accomplishment when they get to mark things done! This might include putting their shoes away, washing their hands, getting their take-home papers out and putting them in a designated place, and going over their agenda book with you. 
  • For older kids, having a task list posted somewhere like their bathroom, bedroom, or even on the fridge can help them stay focused on what needs to be done as their schedules get more busy with activities and heavier homework loads. As they get older their tasks might include any after school chores, preparing their lunchbox for the following day, working on their homework, and discussing any upcoming events or paperwork with you. 
Back-to-School Organization Hacks for a Stress-Free Start to the Year

2. Have less stressful mornings by preparing the night before  

When you think about the hustle and bustle of the mornings, reflect on what you can do as part of your evening routine that will help your household get everybody to school and work on time without chaos, frustration, and tears! 

Preparing for the following day as a family together will allow for smoother sailing in the morning.

Your evening tasks might include: 

  • Checking the next day’s weather and picking out an outfit the night before 

  • Packing up their backpacks to make sure they have everything they need 

  • Have your kids clean up their toys and bedrooms before bedtime 

  • Utilize visuals or tasks lists again for bedtime routines (baths, brushing teeth, etc)

Back-to-School Organization Hacks for a Stress-Free Start to the Year

3. Let your kids see you following routines with organized systems too!

The best way to teach someone is to lead by example. If you want your children to be more organized and follow routines, then you need to do so too! This will help them feel encouraged that you are on board with what you’re asking of them which will help them feel more involved and on the same team at home.

For you as the parent your routines might look like: 

  • Planning and preparing meals ahead of time to make dinner time stress-free. (And it will also save you time and money!) A great time to plan your menu for the week is during the weekend. Look ahead at the weather, after school events, and particularly busy evenings, and then plan out your meals accordingly. For example, a really busy night might call for a crock pot meal! You can also involve your children in meal planning and preparation. to teach them valuable life skills. 
  • Designate a specific area in your home where your children can store their backpacks and any school paperwork. This will help them stay organized and ensure that you don't forget anything important.
  • Use a family calendar or planner that everyone can see and refer to. This can help you keep track of important dates such as school events, extracurricular activities, and family commitments. You can even color-code the calendar to make it easier to read and follow. This way, everyone in the family can stay on the same page and avoid any scheduling conflicts. Consider placing the calendar in a central location in your home where everyone can access it easily, such as the kitchen or living room.

By following these tips for home organization, routines, and systems, you can help ensure a smooth transition into the new school year, and make this the best one yet!

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