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What is the first word that comes into your mind when you think about the 4th of July?

What is the first word that comes into your mind when you think about being organized?

For me, those words are the same:


On July 4th, we celebrate our freedom as a country. Freedom that comes at a heavy price. Freedom that took a lot of work, struggle and sacrifice. {Thank you to all of our service men & women who have struggled and sacrificed to secure freedom for all Americans!} Was it worth it? Do you enjoy your freedom? Do you appreciate the process of how we gained our freedom?

If you are struggling to get organized, take a few minutes today thinking about freedom. Freedom from clutter, freedom from the overwhelmed feeling, freedom from expectations that have been placed on us by others, freedom from financial strains, freedom from guilt. Is it worth working, struggling and sacrificing for you to feel free?

Sometimes, we have to admit that we cannot secure freedom on our own. We need help! At Lasting Order, we desire to see people set free from the chains of clutter. Call us at 812-858-2457 to schedule a consultation and take one step toward FREEDOM today!

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