The messiest desk in the world by Joseph Novak {flickr creative commons}
Can't See the Top of Your Messy Desk?
Your desk top, like your kitchen counter tops need to be clutter-free for maximum productivity. If yours is not, try the following:
- Clear off everything except for the computer and phone.
- I mean - EVERYTHING!
- Put only the essentials back on the top of your desk: pencil cup, paper tray, and maybe a stapler.
- Essentials = items that you use often enough that opening a drawer repeatedly to get them is wasting energy/time.
- Assign one drawer to hold additional supplies (e.g., paper clips, staples, tape, etc.).
- You probably don't need more supplies than one drawer can hold. Keep extra supplies in a cabinet or drawer farther away. The ones you use daily should be within arm's reach.
- Use the calendar on your phone or computer. This eliminates the need for a paper one.
- Gone are the days of the giant desk pad calendar!
- Put pictures or other personal memorabilia on a shelf or hang on the wall.
- Most people like to have things they love or reminders of people they love around them while they work, however too many knick knacks and photos on the desktop leaves you without enough room to work. The less visual clutter, the more focused you will be.
- Take a few minutes at the end of each day to make sure your desk remains clutter-free.
- Habits & routines are the key to maintaining organization!
Desk by William Hook {flickr creative commons}
So... what do I do with all of the stuff I took off of my messy desk??
Begin to create systems of organization. Think about what you need to do with each piece of paper. Is it?
- An actionable item? If so, utilize an action file.
- Research on a particular topic? If so, create reference files for various topics.
- Information that needs to be stored? If so, scan & file electronically - or create a paper file for it.
- Trash? If so, use the "circular file".
- Information to be shared with others? If so, share it!
If it takes 2 minutes or less to handle the paper, do it NOW! If it's going to take longer, make use of your action file to prompt you later when you have time to complete it or set an appointment on your calendar to deal with it. File folders can separate your piles of papers into action piles or project piles.
Remember, your desk did not get messy overnight - it's not going to be perfectly clean overnight. Triage the clutter and then set aside time to deal with all of the stuff you removed from your workspace. You'll find your focus & clarity returning when you look at your newly cleaned off desk!