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When talking about fitness and wellness goals, the main questions are: What's the first thing to do, and how do I get started? What helps you to set those goals and then achieve them? Jamie visited Local 7 Lifestyles to discuss setting fitness and wellness goals.

Calendar your routines to accomplish goals

The first step is to make sure that you actually put exercise in your schedule and plan those exercise routines. In other words, are you going to exercise Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 am? Put it on your calendar! Are you going to the gym after work on Tuesday and Thursday? Put it on your calendar!

Learn how to say "no" to things that do not fit your goals

Next, you want to have good time management skills. You have to be able to say "no" when you don't want to give up your time for something that's not quite as important to you. You have to say "no" to some things to make time for exercise or going to the gym. If your friends want to go out on a Thursday evening, but you planned to go to the gym, tell them you have plans and offer another night that you are available.

Accountability is essential to reaching goals

Accountability is also important. Have a friend or family member exercise with you. Set up a group text to check on each other as you go through the week. Having someone in your corner will go a long way toward achieving that goal.

Use smartphone apps to aid with goals

Lastly, using fitness apps can also be a great way to help you achieve those goals. There are many out there to chose from, such as Carezone, Map My Walk, Map My Run, and MyFitnessPal, to name a few. You can find an app that will help you track any goal you have set. Search the iPhone App Store for fitness apps.

In summary, when you are looking to get healthier, organizing your time, your habits and your environment is key!

Lasting Order specializes in helping businesses and individuals manage their time, schedules, and routines. If we can help you, contact us today! 

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