According to, improved eating habits, life/self improvement, and financial responsibility are the Top 3 resolutions. And over at Google, "Get Organized" has had more than 33 million searches, second only to "Get Healthy," over the past year.

Now, thanks to the folks at the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) and their annual January GO Month (as in Get Organized), you really can start new habits that will help you make those resolutions happen!

Take a look at our thoughts below for inspiration, and be sure to contact Lasting Order when we can help.

Don't try to do it all at once

Trying to do a whole house makeover in a weekend is a recipe for disaster. You'll have much better luck (and fewer headaches!) if you focus on one project at a time. Pick up your desk or clean out your inbox. Tackle your junk drawer. Clean off the island in the kitchen. Small steps add up quickly, and give you a visible sense of accomplishment when you need encouragement to push ahead.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Whether it's organizing piles of photos, wading through mounds of children's toys, putting your pantry in perfect order, or inspiring your employees to be more productive, there really are people who enjoy doing these kinds of things! No matter how bad you think your clutter is, we promise we've seen worse. We can help you get organized, but more importantly we'll teach you habits to stay organized.

Enjoy the benefits!

We've seen lots articles in recent years touting the benefits of being organized. It's been shown to lower your blood pressure, help ease stress, and even help your kids feel less pressure. And then there's the whole exercise component of cleaning (it's even a category on My Fitness Pal!).

Once you get started, you'll find that living an organized life becomes an enjoyable habit.

Now, let's GO!

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