If you are planning to move or help a loved one relocate, we're sharing our best organization tips for moving so the process can be less stressful and a more peaceful transition to your new home! 

Believe it or not, moving doesn't have to be a nightmare! The key is preparation, having a plan in place, and getting things as organized as possible. Our team of professional organizers are experts at making a move to a new home a smooth process, and we've put together a guide with our best tips to make moving simple and less stressful! 

How to Move to a New Home with Organization & Peace of Mind

1. Focus on Preparation 

Preparing yourself for your upcoming move will set the tone for the rest of the process.

Because moving can cause a lot of stress, take time to prepare yourself mentally. One season is coming to an end while another is beginning! Take some time to let go of the past and apprecite the new. Start reflecting on what you need and what you can let go of mentally and physically. 

Before you move into your new home, you also need to make sure you have all the essentials you'll need while also considering the size of your new space. Create a list and only stick to those items to avoid over-buying after you've decluttered!

2. Declutter as Much as Possible

An organized move starts with decluttering!  

It's easy to accumulate "things" over the years and often when you start to pack you realize just how much you have that you no longer need. Decluttering helps you reduce the amount of items that may be taking up space in your new home plus it allows you to move less which also reduces moving costs and physical energy. Ask yourself how to keep things simple, so you can begin a new chapter in your life. Doing this will make the transition easier and less stressful when packing and unpacking.

4. Pack with Organization in Mind

Organization can help reduce stress and untidiness while packing.

You've prepared. You've decluttered. And now it's time to start packing! Instead of throwing things into boxes wherever they'll fit, approach packing in an organized way so it's less hassle when you unpack and settle into your new home. Pack room by room, label the boxes by room, and if you've already planned out your new space, note where that box will go in the new house! The more organized you are when packing, the simpler it will be to unpack and get back into the swing of things! Plus, we have the ultimate tool to help you with this process! Get more info below!

5. Don't be Afraid to Ask for Help & Resources

You don't have to take on the task of planning, decluttering, organizing, and packing alone!

If you're still feeling a little unsure of how to go about moving in a organized way, it is totally OK to ask for help! Organization can feel daunting at times, which is why we're here! From prepping your house to unpacking the last box, we bring peace & order to the moving process. We do everything but the heavy lifting! So if you need help with decluttering, organizing, packing, or even unpacking you can trust us to guide you and your family or your loved one with professionalism and compassion. 

Speaking of resources, we have an organization tool to help you tackle your upcoming move! 

Designed by our Certified Professional Organizer® and Founder, Amy Payne, the Ultimate Color Moving System has everything you need to achieve your organized moving goals! Learn more and get your system below!

This Moving Organization Tool:

  • Is easy to use
  • Reduces volume pre-move
  • Helps you move less which reduces moving costs
  • Helps you inventory of items in storage (or yet to be unpacked)
  • Teaches you how to organize as you pack
  • Has a visual system to organize during the physical move & map out where the boxes and furniture go in your new home
    Get the Ultimate Color Moving System 

If you are planning to move or help a loved one relocate, you can make this move a smooth and dare-we-say enjoyable process when you focus on preparation, having a plan in place, and getting things as organized as possible. Tackle one step at a time and remember to stay grateful for the past while also remaining positive about the road ahead! And of course, if you'd like us to walk alongside you in the process, we would be honored to help! 

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