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tips from an organizer mom edition

Whether you're a pet mom, stepmom, college mom, or just one busy mama, this blog is for you! 

We know it's a lot to manage.

So much to do and keep track of...

So much to organize, clean, and put away...

So much to plan, coordinate, and chaufer to...

Which is why our team of professional organizers are sharing real tips that they use in their own homes with their families to keep clutter at bay and routines less-stressful!

Organizing Tips for Busy Moms

"I keep a basket or storage container close by our “main” living area that is empty most of the time. Each day when the kids have brought stuff out from their rooms or other areas that don’t belong, I will throw them in the basket for a quick cleanup & then put the items back in whatever room they belong after a couple days. I will sometimes walk around with the empty basket and whatever doesn’t belong in each room I walk through, will go in the basket. It is a quick way to tidy up a room & clear the clutter from my ever so busy mom brain!

We use a wire storage basket for daily paper organization! The day papers are brought home from school, they are either tossed immediately or if I think I might want to include it in their storage file box, it will go in this wire basket. Any important papers/keepsakes will eventually end up in their individual organized storage box, but this is a quick pre-organization system! Then once a month I sit with the kids and we go through these papers together and organize them accordingly. I feel that keeping them involved with the process is teaching them to be clutter free!"

Tessa - Jasper team
Organizing Assistant

Organizing Tips for Stepparents

"Due to having the kids 50/50, it’s important that we make sure things don’t get left behind to save us from having to make countless trips taking things back to our co-parent's house that the kids need.

For that reason, we have a checklist that we follow with all the things they need to take with them to their other parent's house. These include items such as medications, backpacks, lunchboxes, favorite toys/stuffed animals, electronic devices and chargers, shoes (because they often bring 2-3 pairs), coats/jackets, etc.

We pretty much have it memorized now, but it’s on our fridge (laminated) for reference, and we gather everything that goes back and load what we can in the car the night before!

It keeps us from wasting time and gas going back and forth across town and helps our kids feel prepared and stress-free."

Jamie - Newburgh team
Organizing Specialist

Organizing Tips for College Moms

If you're preparing for your child to head to college in the fall, here's some tips you can start implementing over the summer to help them (and you) make the transition!

  • Teach your college-bound kid the laundry basics
  • Have them get used to waking up to an alarm on their own.
  • Have an open discussion about spending money and budgeting.
  • Do advance problem solving with your student about potential roommate problems
  • Discuss how you will keep in touch and how often (phone, text, e-mail, etc.).
  • Check with your health,home, & car insurance providers to determine coverage for your student away from home.
  • Help them start getting themselves organized now with simple organization steps like taking time to lay out the next day’s items and putting things away.

Take a deep breath and remember it’s all going to be okay! And remember we’re here if you need help organizing your college student when the big day comes!

Organizing Tips for Pet Moms

"If you're a fur-mom, less really is more!

My cat would rather sleep on the floor or my bed than a fancy cat bed. Her favorite toy is an old tennis ball vs. all the toys I have bought over the years.

My best tips would be to donate old toys and treats that that your pet doesn't like or play with to your local animal shelter. Plus, declutter by keeping everything for your pet in one place. I keep all of my pet supplies such as extra litter, toys, health items, etc in one bin.

At the end of the day, what your pet wants is more time and attention from YOU, not more stuff!"

-Corene, Newburgh team
Lead Organizer

No matter what season of life you find yourself in, a little organization and systems can go a long way in lowering your stress, helping you be more efficient, and making your everyday normal more enjoyable! 

What is your favorite mom tip? We'd love to know! 

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