Have you sold your house? Are you getting ready for the big moving project? Did you know that two of the services we offer are: Packing and Unpacking?

Packing Services
We will pack the contents of your home in a logical and organized manner. Each room is assigned a color. All items from a specific room are put into boxes with that color on it. All boxes are then documented in our custom moving binder. At any time during your move, if you are looking for a particular item, look no further than your moving binder to find out which box your item is in.
We can also help you purge while packing to eliminate taking things to your new home that you may not really need or want. This will reduce the amount of things you are actually moving which will lower your costs. It will also simplify your unpacking at your new location.
Unpacking Services
At your new home, we can help you unpack. Basically doing what we love the most - putting the contents of your home away in an organized fashion. Many people do not know where to begin when they are in a new space. We have organized so many closets, pantries, drawers, and cabinets, that we can show you where everything logically belongs. Imagine having an assigned closet, cabinet, or room for everything you own.
Moving can be a stressful time. We want you to be able to leave your old home quickly and easily and settle into your new home just the same. Give us a call. We can help a little, or a lot.