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I recently saw an interesting organizing tool at an organizing client’s office. {Side note: Just because you own organizing products does not make you organized. I get a lot of product ideas while I’m on the job as a professional organizer!} It was a tickler file system with pre-printed file folders. The best part – the folders are PLASTIC! Yep, so they are virtually indestructible and will last a very long time. I looked on the back to see where the client had gotten such a neat product. It was from David Allen – part of his Getting Things Done system, called GTD® Tickler File Set.

What is a tickler file, you say? A tickler file is basically a reminder system. You have a set of file folders labeled with the months of the year and a set of folders labeled with 1 – 31. Let’s say you get a wedding invitation that includes directions to the reception hall. You immediately RSVP and mark the event on your calendar (as any organized person would do). However, you need to hold onto the actual paper invitation for the directions. So, you stick it in the tickler file for the day of the wedding (or if the wedding is over a month away, you stick it into the folder for the month the wedding will be held).  The key is to check the daily file EVERY day and the monthly file at the beginning of each month. I purchased the GTD® Tickler File Set & it comes with an instruction sheet that goes into more detail about how to effectively use the tickler file system. As usual, an organization system is only as good as the person maintaining it!

Of course, you can make these files yourself… but I was drawn to the quality, durability and style of the GTD system. I’ve started implementing the GTD tickler system and it has already cut down on the amount of paper clutter that lives on my desk and in my inbox.

How do you keep up with all of the paper reminders and future “to do”s?

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