In many kitchens, the refrigerator does dual duty as a place to store food and a place to post things. So how do you keep it from becoming a clutter-filled monster, both outside and in? We’re sharing a few of our favorite fridge organization tips below to help you get started.
The Outside of the Refrigerator
For many people, the refrigerator is prime real estate for kids’ photos and drawings. It’s also an easy place to put reminders, calendars, menus, certificates, and a variety of other things that may or may not belong up there. The best way to handle the clutter is to create zones. Here’s our favorite way to organize the outside of the refrigerator:
The Inside of the Refrigerator
Ever open up the door to a refrigerator and wonder what in the world happened in there? Not in the “Ghostbusters” sense when Sigourney Weaver’s fridge opened to another dimension, but when something so funky wafts out that it makes your eyes water?! Here are a few tips for organizing the inside of your refrigerator and keeping food safe: