I think we all get a certain feeling when we pull out that “box of old photos” from the closet. Seeing that picture when our kids took their first steps, rode their bike for the first time without training wheels, or celebrated Grandpa's 80th birthday at the lake can be inspiring and emotional. It’s amazing the impact photographs have on our lives. The memories that we have created with our loved ones are in those moments that the picture was taken.

What's the feeling you get when you pull out your pictures?

Is it one of joy and excitement or are you overwhelmed and discouraged? If you are overwhelmed with all your pictures we would love to help you make those photos an organized collection of your memories. As you may know September is National Disaster Awareness month. As members of APPO (Association of Personal Photo Organizers), we are participating in a “Save your Photos Day” campaign during the month of September. We will be posting photo organizing tips and our favorite resources to Facebook to help you prepare and “Save your Photos” from a disaster. Save Your Photos Day is Saturday, September 27, 2014. The goal of the Save Your Photos Day Alliance is to prevent the unforeseen loss of your valued family photo treasures. Here at Lasting Order, we want to help you prevent loss by organizing your photos and backing them up.

 Would your photos survive a disaster?

Do you have them organized & backed up, so that in the event of a disaster you do not lose everything? When asked what is the first thing you would grab in case of a fire (other than other humans or pets), most people say they would save their photos. FACT: 357 major natural disasters were recorded in 2012. FACT: 258 million people are affected by natural disasters each year.

Photo Organizing Tips

TIP #1 When you are ready to take on this project set aside a day, weekend, week, or month to commit, depending on the amount of pictures you have to organize. Find a space where you can spread out. A dining room table, home office etc. TIP #2 Gather all of your pictures. The ones in the closet, the night stand, the dining room cabinet, the utility drawer, the car…..you get the picture! If you are organizing your digital pictures, do the same. Gather all photos to one area. Do you have them on your phone, a friend’s flash drive, emails etc.

 Contact Red Cross for more information about National Preparedness Month.

 Check out our other posts related to National Preparedness Month.

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