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Are you tired of walking into your garage and feeling overwhelmed by the clutter? Do you struggle to find the tools or equipment you need for your latest project?

As professional home organizers, we understand the frustration that can come with a disorganized garage. Which is why we're sharing our favorite tips for organizing your garage for summer!

organize your garage for summer

One of our professional organizers on the Lasting Order team, Tessa Dunfee, is sharing her simple steps you can take to transform your garage into a functional and efficient space! So keep reading and your garage will be simplified and organized in no time!

Make your Most-Used Items Easily Accessible

tips for organziing your garage for summer

This little section in our garage is probably our most used. On the right, we have some shelves of the kids’ stuff. All bubbles and chalk are up top, yard toys are in the middle & water related toys are on the bottom! I like this system because it is all stuff our kiddos can grab quickly to play outside! 

On the left, we have all of our sunscreen and bug spray grouped together. In the upcoming months, we will spend a lot of time outside. Our garage is our main in/out of our house so we can easily grab from there as we go! I like to have these products enclosed in their own (wipeable) tote just in case there are any leaks! Below that, we have a couple more outdoor things for the kids & on the bottom is extra fishing tackle boxes!

Have Sports Equipment Ready to Go

tips for organizing your garage for summer

This is our sports equipment cart. I snagged this cart on sale one day and didn’t know I needed it until I set it up! Before, all of our activity balls & accessories were in storage totes with lids. It was difficult for the kids to access them easily and quickly. Now, we all have access to our sports equipment fast! As some are aware, most evenings that are filled with sports can be quite hectic. When the kids’ softball bags aren’t in use, they can easily hang on the front!

Utilizing Peg Boards

tips for organizing your garage for summer

When we first moved in, this peg wall was mainly used for hanging extension cords. One day after untangling fishing poles, I had an idea to use these hooks that I purchased at a local hardware store to hang up our poles! It actually has been a SO perfect for us!

In the spring and summer, we go fishing a lot & it’s great to not have to untangle the lines from one another every.single.time. 

Have a Home for Your Lawn Chairs

tips for organizing your garage for summer

Lastly, this is a little box I made for our collapsible lawn/sports chairs. These items have traveled all over our garage. They’ve been stood up in a corner, constantly falling over. They’ve all been laying on a shelf taking up usable space. I knew there had to be a way to pick out the chair I wanted without the rest of them falling over or off of a shelf. I took some scrap lumber we had and made a basic encasement for all of the chairs to stand up. We keep it by our fishing/outdoor gear so it’s again, easy access!

One thing to note is that there are many different ways to store each and every one of these items. These setups are what works for my family! Part of our job as professional organizers is helping you find the flow that works best for you, your family & your space! If you’ve tried doing it on your own without success or just want professional insight from the start, our team is ready to get your decluttered, organized, and utilizing systems like these for your family!

professional organizer

Tessa Dunfee is an Organizing Assistant on our Jasper Lasting Order team. She is a wife, mom, and loves to help families experience the calm and day-to-day flow that comes with getting organized. 

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