Part two of our Ask an Organizer series comes after our first three questions were covered in Ask an Organizer part one blog post. 

1. How do I organize my kid's clothing and toys? 

If you have multiple children, the hand-me-down days can be a pretty constant game of going through each child's closet and swapping out clothes that are too big and too small. During the younger days of babies and kids growing at a fast pace, it is more helpful to have all-size clothing together in a box. Baby clothing should be indicated by size and gender

In addition, pay special attention to what is worth keeping for the season it would be when your child would be wearing the clothing. For example, when my younger son was born in August, I was given a ton of summer clothing for 6-9-month-olds. It was helpful to know he wouldn't be able to fit in most of it with the timeline of his age not working with the clothing size. Toys are much more forgiving when labeled. Infant toys, toddler toys, and kid toys can be played with throughout the years. Think about what your children will use and will want to keep. What toys will hold up for years to come? 

2. I have a room that needs to serve multiple purposes--how do I organize it?

First, narrow down the purposes the room needs to serve. Maybe you need an office and a library. You know that will require you to have a desk and a few bookshelves, or another way to store your books. Once you know exactly what you'll room will need, you can start to plan around a design and organizational needs. 

Figuring out your zones will allow for your room to be like a department store, Amy tells us. The goal is for you to know where all of your items are when you go looking for them. Designating spaces and breaking into zones will help you make quick decisions when you bring in any new items. 


Professional Organizers are a great resource when you have questions about your organizing projects. Reach out and ask us anything! (You may find your question featured on a future blog post too!) As always, if you find yourself stuck, struggling to make decisions or in need of an extra hand - we'd love to help!

Give us a call at 812-858-2457 to find out how we make your organizing project go from the To Do list to DONE!

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