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As organizers, we get all types of questions from our clients. Some common questions like, "how do I even start?" are typical with people that are new to the organizing world. We love answering your questions and helping with organizing challenges. Our owner and Certified Professional Organizer, Amy Payne, has answered our clients' top questions. 

1. Do I have to get rid of everything? 

Schedule time to go through the spaces that need work. Most of our clients struggle the most with closets and overall clutter. Decide what closet you will start with or what cluttered drawer will be the first area you tackle. We want to make sure this first project is not too overwhelming in order to not lose our motivation. Take every item out and make piles of similar items. Do I need 28 pairs of blue jeans? Is there a dress you've been holding onto for years to wear on that special event that hasn't happened? Those are great places to start. Clearing out these items you've been holding on to that are no longer serving you will feel freeing and exciting! This will help you determine what to keep and what to get rid of. 

Consider motivating yourself by listening to an organizing podcast (we love this one!) or working to an upbeat music playlist--everything is more fun when you're enjoying the process. Your main goal is to create a positive environment for yourself. The basic concept is that you make multiple piles of similar items, narrow down what you need to keep, and then put your essential items back in an organized manner. For more information about how to begin decluttering your closet, check out this blog post.

2. I just moved in. Where do I start with unpacking? 

Your best bet for a smooth moving process is to organize prior to moving. If you've missed that window, there are still a lot of options to get the most organized outcome for your unpacking process. Start with one or two boxes with high-priority items. These are items that you need within the next few days in your new home (think phone charger, toothbrush, toilet paper, etc.). Once the high-priority items are finished, begin with unpacking room by room. 

Amy advises to focus first on the area that is causing you the most stress or begin with the primary bedrooms. If you have children, it's a great opportunity to allow them to help unpack their own rooms. We're not focusing on perfect organizing when we're unpacking. Our goal is to have every item in the correct room. At that point, you're able to figure out where something should go in the room. Check out our article about moving and relocating.

3. I have no closet space. What do I do? 

Older historic homes or non-traditional rooms may have smaller closets or (gasp!) no closet! After you've completed going through all items from our first question above, you may still have left over items. Finding other storage solutions for off-season items or non clothing items like shoes or bags, may be the best organzing solution. 

Using space saving bags or totes can be a great option in a small room. For example, storing off season sweaters and heavy coats under your bed can be an easy way to cut down on a large portion of items in your closet. 


Professional Organizers are a great resource when you have questions about your organizing projects. Reach out and ask us anything! (You may find your question featured on a future blog post too!) As always, if you find yourself stuck, struggling to make decisions or in need of an extra hand - we'd love to help!

Give us a call at 812-858-2457 to find out how we make your organizing project go from the To Do list to DONE!

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